Patrick White Indigenous Writers Award

Who is Patrick White?
Patrick White was Australia’s most outstanding and internationally renowned writer. In 1973, he became the first Australian to be awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.
Patrick was an avid supporter of the advancement of Indigenous Australian youth.
The AEC was one of the beneficiaries of Patrick’s estate on his sad passing.

What the Awards Do?
The Award have been designed to encourage Indigenous Australian students in Kindergarten to Year 12 studying in NSW to use their reading, writing, and creative skills.

Competition Application
Applications for this competition close at the end of Term 3 each Year. These awards are open to all Indigenous Australian students in NSW from Kindergarten through to Year 12, with a Group Competition for Years K – 3.
About AEC
The AEC is a not for profit community organisation comprising of Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. The AEC initiates and supports educational programs which contribute to achieving its vision of a highly educated and empowered Aboriginal population.
Since 1963, the AEC has been in the forefront of Aboriginal education by pioneering innovation, establishing dynamic pilot projects, assisting in promoting further development of specialist educational-opportunities, engaging in research and encouraging governments to provide programs and support which enable successful educational outcomes for Aboriginal people.
The AEC also informs the wider community about the educational issues confronting Aboriginal people today.
The AEC relies on the generosity and support of the general public and all donations over $2.00 are tax deducatible.
Please visit AEC Main Website for more information: